Use these worksheets to create your own winter making words center.
This printable word work activity is helpful because students do not need to share letter tiles to work on the task. It can be a no touch center for your students.
Also, because no extra materials are needed, it can also act as good take home practice.
Not familiar with making words activities? Learn a little bit here!
If you are already familiar with this type of activity, skip ahead to the download at the bottom of this page.
Making words is an activity you will find in many classrooms.
It can be a whole group activity or teacher led during small group instruction.
In the traditional version, children are given predetermined letter tiles.
A teacher will then give specific directions.
For example, a teacher might instruct to make a word using two letters that starts with a. Students might then be required to add a consonant to the word to make a three letter word.
You can find a complete walk-through of a making words activity within this post: Making Words Example.
This download contains eight worksheets preprogrammed with words. There is also a ninth page that you can add your own word to.
The words included on these pages are:
To complete one of these pages, students will need scissors and a pencil.
Children will begin by coloring the letters at the bottom of the page. They will color the vowels red. The consonants should be colored blue.
Next, have students cut out the letters. I like to have my children sort them into two groups – consonants and vowels.
They will then work to form words using their letters.
Each word that can be made will be recorded in the boxes. Challenge students to use all of the letters in the final word.
You might even have students glue the letters on the back of the page to form the word that includes all of the letters.
You can download this free literacy activity here:
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