Download this free weather word list to help you when you are helping students learn about weather in the classroom.

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This printable weather word list is being shared to help you in your planning and teaching.
This list is a part of our growing collection of word lists. I hope that this makes your life a little bit easier!
When working on weather, you might choose to use this as a word wall for students during writing. Or, you could use it to help spark questions and ideas as you are introducing the topic.
This list contains 57 weather related words. You will find words listing weather events along with words that can be used to describe weather.
Weather Word List
blizzard | frost | snowflake |
breeze | hail | snowstorm |
bright | hot | spring |
brisk | humid | sprinkle |
chilly | hurricane | steamy |
clear | icicles | stormy |
cold | icy | summer |
degrees | lightning | sun |
dew | meteorologist | sunny |
drizzle | overcast | sunshine |
drought | precipitation | thaw |
dry | rain | thermometer |
fall | rainbow | thunder |
flood | rainfall | tornado |
flurries | report | typhoon |
fog | season | warm |
forecast | sleet | water cycle |
freeze | snow | wind |
frigid | snowfall | winter |
You can download a printable version of this word list here:
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