
Trigraph Word Sort

This free trigraph word sort can become a word work center during your literacy rotations in your classrooms.

This is another free word work resource from

Add this trigraph word sort to your classroom collection of resources for word work time.

If you are looking to help your own child and new to phonics instruction, this word sort will come after students know individual consonant and vowel sounds. They should be familiar with digraphs and blends.

These cards contain the trigraphs scr, shr, spl, spr, squ, str and thr.

This literacy center will provide your children with practice categorizing words containing these trigraphs.

What are trigraphs?

This set can be a great resource for teaching trigraphs in first and second grades.

Trigraphs are three letters that work together to form a single sound. The letters these word cards focus on will come at the beginning of words.

Examples of words beginning with trigraphs are square, straw and scrape.

What is a word sort?

If you are new to word work instruction, one type of activity students will often participate in is referred to as a word sort.

During a word sort, students are given a list of words or set of word cards. You will then ask them to sort the words into categories.

You might choose to have children work on an open word sort where they create their own categories. Another option is a closed word sort where children are given specific categories.

You are encouraging children to look for patterns in the words. They are building background knowledge for when they encounter similar words in their future reading.

Word sorts are often used when children are building their reading skills but can also be used in other areas of instruction. For example, children can be given a set of cards containing states and cities and then sort them.

You can complete word sorts in your classroom as whole group instruction, during center work with small groups or independently.

Trigraph Word Sort

This literacy center contains 75 word cards. You will find a range of words that will meet the needs of different levels of readers.

The range of words will make it easy for you to adapt this center to fit the needs of your readers. Also, the center will be able to grow with your students simply by switching out words.

There is also a blank page of cards so you can add words specific to your class and instruction. You might differentiate this center by having some kids sort the words and others work to add words to the center.

You can provide students with the category labels that name the blends included. Or, you can ask them to create their own.

You will not provide your students with all 75 cards during a sort. Make sure you provide them with a manageable amount of cards. This might be between 14 and 20 words depending on your students. As students strengthen their skills, you might increase the number of words you provide.

The word cards are provided with a colorful pink background along with plain white to help you conserve ink.

There are an assortment of recording pages if you would like your children to record the words after sorting.

As a twist on the sorting center, have kids randomly choose four cards for word work. They can write the words and then draw a picture to show the meaning.

You can download this free Trigraph Word Sort here:

Word Work Center

You might also like these other word work centers:

Digraph Word Sort

CVCe Word Sort


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