Add these short vowel words graphing worksheets to your collection of phonics practice printables for your classroom.
You can give students practice with phonics skills using these short vowel words graphing worksheets.
You will receive 7 free pages for practice.
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Graphing practice
Graphing words can be a fun way for you to mix word work with math skills.
Not only will they work on phonics and graphing, students will also be getting practice with hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
The goal of these pages is to provide engaging practice that will be beneficial to your young readers.

Completing the short vowel words graphing worksheets
Students will need colored pencils or crayons – they can choose one color or many!
To complete the page, have students begin by reading a word. They will then find the correct column on the bar graph and color a box. Finally, have them cross off the word on the right.
They will continue until they have read and colored in all of the words.
You can download this free set of worksheets by clicking on the blue pencil below:

I just want to say a big thank you for all that you are doing. I recently started homeschooling my son and its been a hard journey for me because there’s so much for him to learn, I was lost on where to start. The patience you have to create these worksheets is amazing and they are helping me a great deal. Again, Thank You!