These monthly word cards with pictures can help you assemble a themed word work center each month.
Download this free monthly word cards PDF to help you plan your word work.
This is another free resource for teachers and families from

Monthly Word Cards
I have worked to include holiday and other seasonal words in this download. One page contains pictures. There is then a coordinating page that has just words.
I hope this set makes it easy for you to plan a center that easily rotates to include new words each month. This would be a perfect set to use the first week of each month.
If you prepare the entire set during the summer, it will be so easy to pull out and have this center ready to go.
As an extension, you can have students create their own word cards to add to your center.

This seasonal word work collection includes:
- January Word Cards
- February Word Cards
- March Word Cards
- April Word Cards
- May Word Cards
- June Word Cards
- July Word Cards
- August Word Cards
- September Word Cards
- October Word Cards
- November Word Cards
- December Word Cards
- Color Word Cards
You will also find five different recording pages you can use at your word work centers.
These cards can also be used as matching cards. Students might play go fish or even a game of memory.
I did not number the word cards so you would be able to choose which cards fit your class. I have included the color words in case you want to add seasonal color words to your monthly selection.
I hope your children enjoy these word cards as a fun way to practice seasonal words.
You can download this free word work set here:
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