Download this long vowel independent making words center for word work practice in your classroom or at home.

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This set will help you create your own long vowel independent making words activity.
A printable word work activity such as this one can be a great option if you are unable to use your normal manipulatives. It can be a no contact literacy center
This activity also offers a great option to send home for practice.
What is “Making Words”
Wondering what Making Words means? Start here! If you are already familiar with this type of activity, you can skip ahead to the download at the bottom of this page.
Making Words is a common classroom word work activity.
While completing this hands-on activity, students work with letter tiles to create words. They move the given letters around to form different words.
Often a teacher will select the letters to focus on a specific skill.

Here’s a simple example of a making words lesson:
The teacher might give students the letters a, b, c, h, t.
Students will begin by exploring the letters and finding what words they can make.
Teachers might guide this activity by giving clues such as:
This word has two letters.
It starts with a vowel and ends with a “t” sound.
Students will move the letters to make at. They will keep these letters together and follow the next clues.
Add the b to the beginning. What word did you make?
Students will make bat.
Make the word say “k” at the beginning.
Students will move the letters to make the word say cat.
Can you add an h to the word to make a new word?
Students will form the word chat. Teachers might ask students to identify the digraph.
This Independent Making Words Center
This set contains ten pages.
Eight of the pages are preprogrammed with letters. There are then two blank pages so you can make your own.
Students will follow the directions at the top of the page to color and cut out the given letters.
Once they have their letters ready to go, they will work to form words.
You can guide students in the word formation or use this as a completely independent center.
As children work, they can record their words.
All of the preprogrammed pages focus on words with long vowel sounds. However, students will be able to use the given letters to form other words as well.
You can download this free set here:
Looking for other materials to practice long vowel words? Try these free worksheets:
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