Download these free Letter K Worksheets so you can help your students while working on given letters of the alphabet while at home or school.
You will find 16 pages in this download of 16 letter k worksheets for alphabet practice. Students will be able to use these printables when practicing isolated letters in your classroom or at home.
Add this set to your collection of resources for working on letters in the classroom.
This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from

How to introduce letters and letter sounds to students
While you are planning on how to introduce letters and letter sounds to your students, look for engaging and hands-on practice.
As children explore letters and sounds, you can think of ways to make the learning fun.
Students might enjoy watching fun alphabet videos or singing songs.
Give them the opportunity to go on a letter hunt in a basket of letter tiles or scatter magnetic letters on your board.
When they are ready, children can practice using paper and pencil with the collection of pages I have created.

Words that start with k
Here is a list of words that start with the letter k:
(I’ve included words with a hard k and a silent k sound)
- kangaroo
- karate
- kayak
- ketchup
- key
- kick
- kid
- kind
- king
- kitchen
- kite
- kitten
- kitty
- kiwi
- knee
- knit
- kneel
- knock
- knot
- koala
About these letter k worksheets
This download contains 16 worksheets.
These pages will your students practice with the letter k.
The following pages are included in this alphabet download:
- Blank capital letter K
- Blank lowercase letter k
- Kk blank letter
- Capital K maze
- Lowercase k maze
- K maze
- Patterned K and k
- Dinosaur K and k
- Unicorn K and k
- Letter k worksheets that include tracing and identifying words starting with k
- Dab it! page with K and k
You can download this free letter set here: