These “I” word family mazes are a fun way for your children to practice word families containing the letter i.
This is another free resource for teachers and families from
Download these “i” word family mazes for a fun way for your children to practice phonics.
Phonics practice can be boring. Many times it simply involves printed worksheets where students simply fill in letters. There are often not many pieces that are added in to grab and hold a student’s attention.
I have been trying to create a collection of phonics resources that will help to keep your learner engaged. It would be so nice for them to be excited when they see a phonics worksheet.
This specific set contains word families with the letter i. Some of the word families included are: ig, in, ine, ike and ing. Examples of the words are pig, bike, ring and dine.
Completing these “i” word family mazes
Students can use their favorite pencil, colored pencil or thin marker to complete their maze and phonics practice.
Children will start where the star letters are at the top of the page. These letters will tell students the word family or families that each page focuses on.
They should then follow the path. When they get to each box, they will fill in the missing letter or letters to complete the word. To complete the maze, they will land on the star.
These maze pages are provided in two formats. The first requires students to determine and fill in the letters on their own.
The second set gives students the letter choices on the side or top (depending on the layout of the practice page.)
You can download these free phonics pages here:
Looking for additional phonics resources? You might like these other freebies:
Thank you to Kinka Art, Creating 4 the Classroom & Marcelle’s KG Zone for the cute clip art.