Download these free homophone word lists to help you when planning for homophone practice in the classroom.
These homophone word lists are another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from

These printable word lists are designed to help you in your planning and teaching.
What are homophones?
Homophones are words that sound the same. They are spelled differently and have different meanings.
Examples are the words which and witch or eight and ate.
Homophones can be a challenge for students. They require repeated practice and memorization.
I have created three word lists for you to use.
I tried to include the most common homophone sets in the first list so you would have a good list to start with. The second has slightly more challenging words and the third are a little more challenging.
Homophone List #1
ad / add
hour / our
ate / eight
aunt / ant
be / bee
brake / break
by / buy
cent / scent / sent
for / four
here / hear
I / eye
know / no
one / won
red / read
right / write
there / their / they’re
to / too / two
weak / week
weather /wheather
where / wear
which / witch
your / you’re
Homophone List #2
allowed / aloud
blew / blue
berry / bury
board / bored
close / clothes
flew / flu
flour / flower
great / grate
hall / haul
hole / whole
jean / gene
knot / not
meet / meat
pair / pear
red / read
see / sea
stare / stair
threw / through
waist / waste
where / wear
which / witch
your / you’re
Homophone Word List #3
bear / bare
dense / dents
foul / fowl
graham / gram
Greece / grease
heard / herd
hire / higher
hoarse / horse
I’ll / aisle / isle
ladder / latter
leased / least
maid / made
main / mane
morning / mourning
pause / paws
peace / piece
road / rode
rose / rows
son / sun
steak / stake
tied / tide
vary / very
Download the printable lists by clicking on the pencil below:

In homophone list 1, need to make correction in the word wheather which should be whether
Thank you so very much for great resources!
With Gratitude,
Virginia Donaldson
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