These materials provide simple to compound word practice.
You can use the cards and worksheets to provide students with word building practice. Students will use the simple words to find compound words to create.
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Compound Word Practice
These materials are designed to help students practice forming and writing compound words.
Working with compound words can help students improve their fluency in reading. It can also expand their vocabulary.
These activities not only help reinforce an understanding of compound words. They also encourage critical thinking and problem solving.
You can present these ideas as a challenge where students try to form as many words as they can with each set. It is important to emphasize that each created word should be an actual word.
Students will look at the set of words. They will then determine how they can form compound words using the given simple words.
How to use these materials:
Practice Cards
These cards are designed for you to print on cardstock and then laminate. I prefer to put each page on a different color of paper. This will make it easy to separate each group of cards.
You will find a group of cards that has three words, four words, and five words. You can provide the set that fits the needs of your students best.
Students will choose a card and then form compound words. You can have students write them on a recording page, in a word work notebook, or just on whiteboards.
Each worksheet contains five sets of words. Like the cards, students will make compound words using the simpler words.
The first set of pages contain a spot for writing the words. The second half also has a spot for sketching the meaning of the word. This can be good for students to show that they understand the words they have written.
Here is an example:
The words on the card are: coat, drop, rain
Students can form the words raindrop and raincoat
Download Here
You can download the free worksheets here: Practice Pages
You can download the free cards here: Cards
This is a free resource created for teachers and homeschool families. You may print and reproduce for your home and classroom. You do not have permission to modify and sell these materials. They are intended to be free for all. You may link to this post. You may not host the PDF on your site