Download this facts about honey bees booklet to help your readers learn more about this insect.
This booklet is packed with facts and pictures. Students can use it when when learning about honey bees.
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Is it honey bee or honeybee?
When I began researching, I found out that many others have wondered the same thing!
A quick search of is honeybee one word or two came up with many responses. Almost all of them said the same thing.
Technically, either can be used. However, if you ask an entomologist, they will say the correct answer is two words.
The explanation is pretty simple to understand.
The honey bee is a type of bee so it requires two words. Other examples are the bumble bee and sweat bee. You would not write sweatbee as one word.
Other insects follow this same rule. Here are some: house fly, gypsy moth and stink bug.
Examples of insects that are one word are butterfly and dragonfly. This is because neither of these is actually a fly!
Just a warning, even though you should use honey bee, spellcheck will still tell you it is wrong!

Other facts about honey bees
- Because honey bees are insects, they have six legs.
- A beehive can hold around 50,000 bees!
- A honey bee has wings that flap more than 11,000 times a minute. This is what makes them sound like they are buzzing.
- A hive of bees can make 100 pounds of honey a year!
- The honey bee is the only insect that makes food people can eat.
- A queen bee can lay over 2,500 eggs per day!
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