This set of Elkonin Boxes: 2, 3 & 4 Phoneme Worksheets can be used to help your students practice segmenting words.
These will be helpful for students working on phonics skills.
Elkonin boxes are also called sound boxes.
These are used for students to practice phonological awareness.
Children will segment words into individual sounds or phonemes.
A phoneme is a sound a word makes. These phonemes can be single letters like b, c and e. Or, they can be letters that work together to make new sounds like sh, ch and ay.
Elkonin boxes are typically used in small groups or with individual practice with a student. Students will say a sound and move a token for each sound they hear.
I have adapted the concept to create these worksheets. Students will simply record each sound they hear in the boxes on these pages.
These boxes can be helpful for children learning to listen for each sound they hear.
If you are just beginning your work with sound boxes, start with my Elkonin Boxes: CVC Worksheets.
These are designed to be simple paper and pencil tasks.
Students will look at each picture, say the word and record each sound they hear.
For the word ship, students will break the word into sh i p. When there is a silent e at the end of a word, the e will be grouped with the consonant before the e. So skate would be broken into s k a te.
Allow students to use colored pencils or colorful markers to add a little fun to the worksheets. Coloring the pictures during work completion can also help students work on fine motor skills.
The set begins with a blank page where there are two sound boxes. You will find a word list for you to read to your students. Students will listen and record the sounds they hear. These are set up differently from the other pages because most of the words do not have pictures to match.
There are 7 worksheets with pictures. These are broken into groups by the number of phonemes. Phonemes with two letters will have a larger box than single letters.
Thank you to Marcelle’s KG Zone and Kinka Art for the clip art!
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