Help children working on spelling short e words with this free CVC words digital resource.

This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from
This is a new beach-themed resource to help students with spelling short e words.
This digital resource can be used to help your children when working on spelling words. This is ideal for children learning at home or teachers looking for practice that can be done virtually or at a technology center.
The game you will download below gives practice with short e CVC words. For example, words such as pen, red and ten are included.
Because the words shared allow the speller to hear each sound, these words are perfect to begin with when working on spelling.
This digital practice is being shared in two formats. You will be able to download the resource as either a PowerPoint or access the Google Slides version.

Using this spelling short a CVC words resource
Each slide contains a picture of a word containing a short a sound. There are also eight lowercase letters to the right.
To play the game, children will drag the buckets with letters on them from the right to the boxes below the picture.
Once the letters have been placed in the boxes, the sun can be dragged to the side to find the correct spelling. This makes the game self checking.
If you would prefer for the answer to not be there, you can simply delete the spelling of the word and the sun image.
Because the pieces are movable, you might want to save an original copy before letting students begin working. This way, you will have a fresh version once students have moved the pieces.
You can download this free resource here
*You will not need to request access in order to be able to use the Google Slides version. Instead, simply save the document to your own Google Drive.
Looking for additional CVC work for your children working on short vowel sounds? Try these:
Thank you to Marcelle’s KG Zone & Whimsy Clips for the clip art.