These daily word work slides are designed to provide practice with different word skills.
You can use these to give your students a quick word work check in.
This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families.

Daily Word Work Slides
I am seeing some gaps with my students that I am working on filling.
There are language and spelling skills they need to know but are not consistent with.
For example, I am seeing students not knowing how to form plural nouns and possessives correctly.
There are also many commonly confused words my students are mixing up.
I started with these skills and added in context clues and with word parts.
This first set contains 20 slides. I am trying these out in my class and then will make adjustments as needed to fit my students.
Using these in the classroom
I started each class with a slide on the screen.
Students drew a grid in the word work sections of their notebooks.
I then went over what I expected them to write. I did not want them spending the time to write down everything.
We did the first slide slowly together. The following days, students worked independently as they entered the classroom.
We did a quick check of the skills each day as we got started.
You can download this set of slides by clicking on the blue pencil below: