These CVCe Find & Color Worksheets will give your children practice with identifying word families containing magic e words.

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Download these free CVCe Find & Color pages to help your children with magic e words.
Add this set of worksheets to your collection of pages for phonics practice in your home or classroom.

What are CVCe Words?
CVCe words are words that contain a consonant, vowel, another consonant and end with a silent e. The magic e at the end makes the other vowel say its name.
If you are beginning with phonics instruction, CVCe words are a good skill to follow CVC words.
About these CVCe Find & Color Worksheets
You will find a total of 10 different pages, each is provided in 2 formats.
Each page has a word family listed in the middle. Around the edges you will find pictures.
The first set of pages has only words. The second set has the words next to the pictures.
To complete the pages, students will color the pictures that belong to the word family.
They will then write three words belonging to the word family at the bottom.
If you are looking to extend these pages, you might ask your children to circle the word family base in each word. For example, on the -ake page, students will circle -ake in the words belonging to that family.
You can download this free set of CVCe Find & Color Worksheets here:
Looking for additional magic e resources? Try these:
Thank you to EduClips and Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah for the CVC clip art.