Word Lists

Contraction Word List

This contraction word list contains a list of 40 contractions to use in your classroom.

You will find a contraction word list to download for your use in creating resources or for student reference.

This is another free word list for teachers and homeschool families from www.freewordwork.com.

What are contractions?

Contractions are words formed when two small words are put together as an abbreviation. The letters eliminated are replaced with an apostrophe.

List of contractions

add these wordsto form this word
are + notaren’t
can + notcan’t
could + notcouldn’t
did + notdidn’t
does + notdoesn’t
do + notdon’t
had + nothadn’t
has + nothasn’t
have + nothaven’t
he + wouldhe’d
he + willhe’ll
he + ishe’s
I + wouldI’d
I + willI’ll
I + amI’m
I + haveI’ve
is + notisn’t
let + uslet’s
she + hadshe’d
she + willshe’ll
add these wordsto form this word
she + isshe’s
should + notshouldn’t
that + isthat’s
there + isthere’s
they + hadthey’d
they + willthey’ll
they + arethey’re
they + havethey’ve
we + wouldwe’d
we + arewe’re
we + havewe’ve
were + notweren’t
what + iswhat’s
where + iswhere’s
who + iswho’s
will + notwon’t
would + notwouldn’t
you + willyou’ll
you + areyou’re
you + haveyou’ve

You can download a printable version of this chart here:

Language Download

Thank you for visiting freewordwork.com! All of the resources provided are free for classroom and home use. Resources may not be sold or modified and sold. Please send me a message if you have any questions.


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