Your children will have fun with this interactive Arctic animals booklet I have created.
Arctic animals can be a fun classroom focus in the winter.
You can explore the topic by reading books about the Arctic, watching videos about animals found there and creating science experiments to fit.
You can use this booklet during a science lesson. Afterwards, have children add it to their bag of books.
You can even send it home for children to use as a book to have at home.
Encourage families to practice fluency by rereading the pages together. Remind children that to read fluently, they should be reading smoothly and sound like they are talking.
As an extension, you could encourage your students to make their own animal booklets during writing. They can pick another location and write about animals that live there.
This Arctic animals booklet will contain 12 half-size pages when assembled.
The pages include a map where you can help children find and color the Arctic.
There are animals for children to color.
One page will ask children to think about why there are so many white animals in the Arctic. (This is an adaptation so they can blend in with the snow.)
I hope this book helps your children practice their reading skills while learning about new information about the Arctic.
Print the pages front to back.
Next, cut the pages in half.
You will stack the pages in order and staple on the left side.
Children can use colored pencils or crayons to color the booklet.
You can download these free PDF here:
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