These 26 free alphabet booklets will be a great addition to your ABC practice in the classroom.
Many teachers and parents like to focus on one letter each week. They will spend time throughout the week focusing on a single letter.
If you are looking at incorporating letter of the week practice into your classroom, these booklets will be a great paper and pencil addition to your planning.
It’s always best for children to begin exploring with hands-on activities. This will help children begin to understand the letters and sounds better than just paper and pencil practice. When you are focusing on a letter of the week, some ideas might include:
These individual alphabet booklets have been created to help your children practice individual letters.
You will find a booklet for each letter.
Each booklet contains the following:
To assemble the booklets, print the pages for the letter you would like to practice. Cut the pages in half and staple. You will then have an 8 page booklet for letter practice.
This collection of ABC booklets is being provided as two downloads.
The first download contains the letters A through M. The second download contains the letters N through Z.
You can download these free ABC booklets here:
You might also like this ABC workbook:
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